Empowering The Food Industry

Our network of experts are dedicated to deliver customised solutions for food manufacturers and retailers. With a keen focus on product safety, quality, labelling, and process efficiency, we aim to propel your business forward. Our experience spans branded and own-label products, as well as independent business consulting.

Trust us to navigate the intricate landscape of the food industry and lead you to success. Your goals are our top priority, and together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes in food manufacturing and retail.

Ukwazi is a member of Campden BRI. David Roos, our founder, is a member of SOFHT and IFST.

Guiding Your Path

Meet The Founder

Many years ago as I started out in Retail, I made an introductory video for people interested in Retail QA. I was a lot younger then but learned a huge amount as the Quality Assurance Director for a fast growing Retailer with responsibility GB and Ireland.

Together with my retail knowledge I have 25 years experience in NPD, QA, Process and Product Development to allow me to help you achieve your goals. Retailers are driving quality as a point of differentiation, as they all seek to grow in a highly competitive landscape. Delivering consistent quality to retailers is now more important than ever.


  • Food safety is a widely used term for assuring that product manufacturers make products that meet legal requirements in the country where they are made. The baseline requirement in the food industry is a GFSI benchmarked standard. In the UK BRCGS is common whereas in Europe IFS is more popular. In the UK most Retailers and Food Service companies require their own audits too.

    Quality is al about delivering a consstent quality prduct that meets the design brief. In fast follower retailer businesses product quality is determined by delivering a product that matches the benchmark. There have been cases where Retailers and small brands have challenged Discount retailers for “passing off’ their products.

  • Crisis management in the fod industry draws on general crisis managemet principles. A multi-disciplinary approach is required to assure the safety of product. This covers supplier approval, due diligence testing, in plant allergen and food safety controls. Taking prompt corrective action when an issue occurs can help prevent escalation to a crisis.

    Retailers, QSR and Food Service providers all have a focus on protecting their brand reputation. This follow the poor response to Tesco in the horse meat crisis in 2013.

    Root cause training is available from the UK Food Standards Agency.

    Ukwazi can help you with your crisis management planning and preparation.

  • Product benchmarking can be completed either internally, externally using a 3rd party provider or consumers.

    Product benchmarking will help determine if your product is meeting the design. Tesco, for example, runs a KQI programme where supplier products are tested against defined attributes either by a taste panel or in store by consumers.

    Campden BRI can help with sensory evaluation in benchmark testing. They are usd by Retailers and Innovation teams alike.